Seth Cronin, Managing Consultant at ipCapital Group, was recently featured in Patent Lawyer Magazine for his article titled “Ford seeks patent for autonomous repossession.” In the article, Cronin explores the potential of autonomous vehicle (AV) technology in the repossession industry. He believes that AV technology has the potential to revolutionize the repossession process and make it more efficient and less confrontational. Cronin writes, “The rise of AV technology presents a range of opportunities for companies interested in leveraging this technology for their own use. While there are certainly concerns about the potential for increased surveillance and control, the reality is that this technology has the potential to revolutionize the repossession process and make it more efficient and less confrontational.” The article is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of the repossession industry and the potential impact of AV technology on the industry.
Read the full article here .
Seth Cronin Featured in Patent Lawyer Magazine